38 nordox 75 wg label
PDF Material Safety Data Sheet NORDOX® 75 WG Page 1 of 4 Issue Date: 7/00 SECTION 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Chemical Product NORDOX® 75 WG EPA Reg. No. 48142-4 ... Use according to label instructions or dispose of at an approved waste disposal facility. Flush spill area with water and collect liquid or absorb onto absorbent material and package for disposal. Nordox 75 WG - Fungicid | Syngenta Način delovanja: NORDOX® 75 WG je preparat sa najvišom koncentracijom bakra od svih bakarnih preparata na našem tržištu. Čine ga vrlo sitne čestice bakarnih jona, zbog čega se uz kvalitetnu aplikaciju postiže i ravnomernija distribucija na biljkama. NORDOX 75 WG ima odlična svojstva spore redistribucije što mu za vreme jačih ...
Kalmor - Advanced Turf Solutions Kalmor. 2.5 lb. Add to Quote. View Label View SDS. Kalmor ® fungicide/bactericide is an effective broad-spectrum agent for the prevention and control of diseases in a variety of plants and crops. Labeled for use on: Ornamentals and greenhouse vegetables. Diseases controlled: Anthracnose, bacterial blights (pseudomonas, erwinia), botrytis ...
Nordox 75 wg label
Nordox 75 WG | Solutions Pest & Lawn Nordox 75 WG is safe to use around children and pets when applied according to the product label instructions. Always wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when mixing and applying this product. Do not enter or allow children, pets, and workers into treated areas until 12 hours have passed after application. PDF Nordox 75 Wg - Cdms For all Tree and Vine crops listed on this label, mix 6½ lbs. NORDOX 75 WG with 2 gallons carrier (water, linseed oil, latex paint) and paint or spray a 3-4" band onto tree trunk at 6-12" height above soil surface. Repeat as necessary. Slight injury (cracking of bark) may occur on young trees or tree trunks exposed to direct sunlight. Nordox 75 WG - SYNGENTA fungicide SYNGENTA - fungicide. U34330-131/14/9. UPORABA. 1. GLAVNE UPORABE: Sredstvo NORDOX 75 WG se uporablja kot kontaktni (dotikalni) in preventivni fungicid in baktericid, ki se uporablja: - na trti za pridelavo vinskega in namiznega grozdja za zatiranje peronospore vinske trte (Plasmopara viticola) v odmerku 1,6 kg/ha, ob porabi vode 300-1200 L/ha ...
Nordox 75 wg label. PDF NORDOX 75 WG - University of Florida For all Tree and Vine crops listed on this label, mix 6‰ lbs. NORDOX 75 WG with 2 gallons carrier (water, linseed oil, latex paint) and paint or spray a 3-4" band onto tree trunk at 6-12" height above soil surface. Repeat as necessary. Slight injury (cracking of bark) may occur on young trees or tree trunks exposed to direct sunlight. PDF Nordox 75 WG Label - Plant Food Co 34 NORDOX 75 WGcopper fungicide/bactericide provides more copper protection, with less prod- uct, at a great price! It is the only wettable granule fungicide/bactericide that contains 75% metallic copper - the highest percent of bio-active copper available today. The NORDOX 75 WG Advantage Superior Quality Gulf Coast Research and Education Center - UF/IFAS The Gulf Coast Research and Education Center focuses on strawberry breeding, tomato breeding and ornamentals. The primary areas include plant breeding, entomology, horticulture, plant pathology and weed science. The plant diagnostic clinic diagnoses plant problems based on submitted samples. GCREC - Plant City - offers a teaching program for the following degree … Nordox® - Brandt Nordox 75 WG NORDOX 75 WG copper fungicide/bactericide provides more copper protection, with less product, at a great price! It is the only wettable granule fungicide/bactericide that contains 75% metallic copper - the highest percent of bio-active copper available today. Superior Quality Manufactured from the highest grade copper source available
Nordox 75 WG Copper Fungicide, OMRI Listed - Forestry Distributing a ... Nordox 75 WG Copper Fungicide and Bactericide is the most concentrated wettable granule copper fungicide and bactericide product available. 83.9 % Cuprous Oxide (Cu2O) = to 75% metallic Copper equivalent. Nordox 75 WG Copper Fungicide is famous worldwide for high retention and good effect in adverse weather conditions. Fungicide- KPHITE 7LP | Plant Food Company | Plant Food … Prior to any fertilizer of pesticide application, all spray mixing and application equipment must be cleaned. A quality tank cleaner is recommended. Carefully observe all cleaning directions on the pesticide and fertilizer label. Fill the spray or mix tank at least 3⁄4 full of water and begin agitation. Nordox 86 % WP label - Ascendis Biosciences Nordox 86 % WP label. Jul 26, 2017. Search for: Archives. April 2018; August 2017; Recent Posts. Possible fall armyworm outbreak in North West; Successful weed control; New threat on the rise: Wheat blast fungus; The Do's & Don'ts of Spring Fodder Flow; Managing Mites in Livestock; News. Nordox 750WG Copper Fungicide — Tanuki - Specialty Fertilisers Nordox 750WG Copper Fungicide contains 750g/Kg copper (Cu) present as cuprous oxide. This red copper product provides effective fungal and bacterial disease control of a wide range of plant pathogens. Nordox 750WG is formulated as uniform, wettable granules (WG) that are easy to measure.
NORDOX 75 WG - efthymiadis.gr NORDOX 75 WG . view. Active Ingredients: Copper oxide 75%: Product Type: Water Dispersible Granules (WG) Composition: Copper oxide: 75% w/w Co-formulants: 8.54% w/w. Function & Mode of action: Inorganic fungicide with preventive action. ... Always read the label and the product information before use. Nordox 75 WG | Brandt | Agworld DBX | Greenbook View the product label for Nordox 75 WG from Brandt. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook. ... Nordox 75 WG Brandt. Labels. Label SDS. Snapshot ID: 50394 Active ingredients Cuprous Oxide. Registration EPA: 48142-4. Pests NORDOX 75 WG - Agripac Headquarters: General Córdova No. 623 and Padre Solano Guayaquil - Ecuador. Phone: (593 -4) 3703870 - 2560400 Email: info@agripac.com.ec Nordox 75WG Copper Fungicide - Militello Farm Supply, Inc NORDOX 75 WG controls fungal and bacterial diseases on a wide range of crops. NORDOX 75 WG is OMRI certified. Effective on a wide range of plants. It is the only wettable granule fungicide/bactericide that contains 75% metallic copper - the highest percent of bio-active copper available today.
NORDOX 75 WG - Greenbook.net For all Tree and Vine crops listed on this label, mix 6½ lbs. NORDOX 75. WG with 2 gallons carrier (water, linseed oil, latex paint) and paint or spray a 3-4" ...
PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, NORDOX 75 WG, 07/19/2000 bacterial ice nudeation inhibitor -application of nordox 75 wg made to all crops listed on this label at rates indicated on this label, just prior to anticipated frost conditions, will sustain control of ice nucleating bacteria (pseudomonas syringae, erwinia herbicola and pseudomonas fluorscens) and may therefore provide protection against light …
aladin, plateforme agricole d’achat de biens et services Commandez en ligne, auprès de votre coopérative ou négoce, les produits et services pour les besoins de votre exploitation : biocontrôle, semences, engrais, produits santé du végétal
PDF KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN SPECIMEN - Grochem PLEASE READ LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET BEFORE USE HAZARD CLASSIFICATIONS: 6.1E, 6.4A, 6.9B, 9.1A WARNING: May be harmful if swallowed or inhaled. Causes eye irritation. ... A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for Nordox 75WG is available from Grochem on request or SPILLAGE: Wear protective clothing and prevent material entering ...
Find Jobs in Germany: Job Search - Expat Guide to Germany | Expatica The Netherlands. The position holder will work from the Central Technical Services near FrankfurtMain and/or from a home-office in Germany or Europe. The position is based in the Group's German Sales Headquarter near Dusseldorf or in a home office in a region with easy access to an Airport. Thedinghausen. Theeßen. Theilheim.
Nordox 75 WG (OMRI Listed) - National Center for Appropriate Technology Nordox 75 WG (OMRI Listed) ... Label: Label 1 (Open In New Window) Label Info Summary: U.S. Registered. OMRI Restricted Use. Super Micronized Fungicide. Genetically Modified Organism: No Beneficial Organism Description: Fungicide used for Seed, seedling treatment to protect against damping-off. Dust or spray for fruit and vegetable diseases ...
Brandt Nordox 75 WG - Earthwise Agriculture Nordox 75 WG is available in the following sizes: 170 lbs (5 - 34 lb bags) Product Name Nordox 75 WG Product Manufacturer Brandt Product Type Plant Protection Description Copper hydroxide Functions as fungicide, bacteriacide, nutrient. Indications
PDF Washington, D.c. 20460 - Us Epa SNAIL REPELLENT FOR TREE AND VINE CROPS For all Tree and Vine crops listed on this label, mix 6V4 Ibs. NORDOX 75 WG with 2 gallons carrier (water, linseed oil, latex paint) and paint or spray a 3-4" band onto tree trunk at 6-12" height above soil surface. Repeat as necessary.
Nordox 75WG - Grochem Nordox 75WG Protectant copper fungicide. Psa label claim for kiwifruit. Contains: 750g/kg copper as cuprous oxide in the form of a water dispersible granule BIO-GRO CERTIFICATION Categories Agrichemicals, Organics, Apple, Avocado, Citrus, Forage, Grapes, Kiwifruit, Other, Pear, Stone/Summer, Vege, Fungicides Additional product information
NORDOX Plant Protection Products - NORDOX NORDOX 75 WG One of the most concentrated wettable granule copper fungicide products available: Unique retention and rain-fastness Long lasting protection, even under high rainfall conditions Very economical in use, low dosage and prolonged spray intervals User-friendly - practically dust-free, easy to measure, low hazard classification
Fungicide- NORDOX 75 WG | Plant Food Company | Plant Food Company, Inc ... The NORDOX 75 WG Advantage Superior Quality •Manufactured from the highest grade copper source available •Smallest copper particle size on the market for better efficacy •Stays suspended in spray tank Reliable, Long Lasting Disease Control •Highly effective on a wide range of crops •Superior retention and rain fastness
Tobacco - NORDOX NORDOX products are approved worldwide for use in tobacco for disease protection and as a slow release source of micronutrients. Disease Prevention & Control NORDOX copper products applied at relatively low rates have been shown to prevent and control most common bacterial and fungal diseases in tobacco: Blue mold Frog eye disease Downy mildew
PDF Product NORDOX 75 WG - windcrestorganics.com Product NORDOX 75 WG NORDOX 75 WG Product number nor-3171 Status Allowed with Restrictions Category Coppers - fixed Class Crop Pest, Weed, and Disease Control Company NORDOX AS Mr. Asbjørn Strømberg Ostensjoveien 13 Oslo N-0661 Norway Issue Date 19-Aug-03 Expiration Date 01-Dec-2011 Restrictions
Nordox 75 Wg Biological - Γεωπονικο Κεντρο Ποντικη Guaranteed composition: Metallic copper: 75% w/w in the form of copper oxide Excipients: 8.54% w/w Formulation Type: WG Category & Mode of Action: Inorganic fungicide with protective action. Traffic Approval Number: 60765 / 17.12.2018
NORDOX® 75 WG | Certis Europe France NORDOX® 75 WG est un fongicide de contact, qui s'emploie de manière préventive pour lutter contre de nombreuses maladies des cultures fruitières et maraîchères ...
Nordox 75 WG Copper Fungicide, OMRI Listed - Eldora Organic Nordox 75 WG Copper Fungicide and Bactericide is the most concentrated wettable granule copper fungicide and bactericide product available. 83.9 % Cuprous Oxide (Cu2O) = to 75% metallic Copper equivalent. Nordox 75 WG Copper Fungicide is famous worldwide for high retention and good effect in adverse weather conditions.
Nordox 75 WG - SYNGENTA fungicide SYNGENTA - fungicide. U34330-131/14/9. UPORABA. 1. GLAVNE UPORABE: Sredstvo NORDOX 75 WG se uporablja kot kontaktni (dotikalni) in preventivni fungicid in baktericid, ki se uporablja: - na trti za pridelavo vinskega in namiznega grozdja za zatiranje peronospore vinske trte (Plasmopara viticola) v odmerku 1,6 kg/ha, ob porabi vode 300-1200 L/ha ...
PDF Nordox 75 Wg - Cdms For all Tree and Vine crops listed on this label, mix 6½ lbs. NORDOX 75 WG with 2 gallons carrier (water, linseed oil, latex paint) and paint or spray a 3-4" band onto tree trunk at 6-12" height above soil surface. Repeat as necessary. Slight injury (cracking of bark) may occur on young trees or tree trunks exposed to direct sunlight.
Nordox 75 WG | Solutions Pest & Lawn Nordox 75 WG is safe to use around children and pets when applied according to the product label instructions. Always wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when mixing and applying this product. Do not enter or allow children, pets, and workers into treated areas until 12 hours have passed after application.
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